Rules for Publication in ABC Imagem Cardiovascular



Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia Imagem Cardiovascular (Arq Bras Cardiol:imagem cardiovasc) is the official channel of publication of the Department of Cardiovascular Imaging of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology. It is a quarterly publication indexed in Lilacs (Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature) and Latindex (Regional Cooperative Online Information System for Scholarly Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal). Studies submitted for publication in Arq Bras Cardiol:imagem cardiovasc should address cardiovascular imaging topics, including echocardiography, vascular ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, tomography and cardiac nuclear medicine, published as editorials, original articles, review articles, points of views, case reports, brief communications, letters to the editor, imaging, science & technology, “my style of doing” articles, “what cardiologists expect from echocardiography...?” articles, and special articles.
Upon submission, the authors warrant that the study has not been previously published or that it is not under review by any other journal. All scientific contributions are reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief, the Editorial Supervisor and Associate Editors. Only those articles that are strictly in keeping with the established standards are submitted for review. Acceptance is based on originality, significance and scientific contribution to the field of knowledge concerned. The journal does not require any submission/publication fees.
Arq Bras Cardiol:imagem cardiovasc is a quarterly journal with four issues published per year. The online publication is permanent and, every three months, an issue is released.

Open Science
The journal adopts the principles of open science. The term open science refers to a model of scientific practice that is in line with the digital evolution that proposes the availability of information in a network, as opposed to the closed research activities of laboratories.1
The practice of open science involves the publication of research data, speedier editorial and communication processes by continually publishing articles and adopting preprints, greater transparency in evaluation processes and communication flows, and the pursuit of broader systems for evaluation of articles and journals.2,3

A preprint is a complete scientific manuscript that the authors include in a public server. A preprint contains complete data and methodologies. It is published on the web in about one day without any peer review and can be viewed for free by anyone in the world on purpose-specific platforms, allowing scientists to directly control the promotion of their work in the scientific community around the globe. In most cases, the same study published as preprint is also submitted for peer review in a journal. Preprints (not peer-reviewed) and publication of journals (peer-reviewed) work in parallel as a communication system for scientific research.4,5
Including a manuscript on a preprint platform, such as Peerage of Science, arXiv, PLoS, and Nature Precedings, is not considered a duplicate publication. Arq Bras Cardiol:imagem cardiovasc also accepts manuscripts that have been published on an author’s personal or institutional website. Academic theses in the public domain, according to the guidelines of the institution that the author attended, is also considered by Arq Bras Cardiol:imagem cardiovasc.
The journal Arq Bras Cardiol:imagem cardiovasc makes sure it keeps its platform and rules constantly updated, in keeping with the trends of modern scientific publication. We now accept preprints and the use of open science platforms to encourage communication between authors.


1.1 Editorial – Refers to articles chosen in each issue of Arq Bras Cardiol:imagem cardiovasc for their importance to the scientific community. They are written by the Editorial Board or by prominent experts specializing in the topic concerned. They must contain 1,000 words at the most, and ten references. Illustrations and tables are allowed, with a maximum of two. The number of authors must not exceed two. An abstract is not required.

1.2 Original Article – Randomized controlled studies, observational studies, records, and basic research with experimental animals or in vitro models. These articles are submitted for publication spontaneously by the authors. Original articles must contain the following sections: Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References, Abstract in Portuguese and Abstract in English. The text body must not exceed 5,000 words, including Tables, References, Abstract in Portuguese and Abstract in English. Abstracts cannot exceed 250 words, the number of references cannot exceed 40, and the maximum number of characters in the title cannot exceed 100, including spaces. The maximum number of tables, images or videos is eight. The maximum number of authors is ten.

1.3 Review Article – Consists of critical and orderly literature reviews of clinically relevant topics. Specialists that are skilled at addressing topics of interest to the readers are generally invited to write these reviews. Arq Bras Cardiol:imagem cardiovasc also accept review articles sent spontaneously by the scientific community. They must have a maximum of 6,500 words, including References and Tables. References must be current, preferably published over the last five years, and must not exceed 80. The number of authors must not exceed four and the study must include a maximum of eight images, tables or videos.

1.4 “What do cardiologists expect from echocardiography ...?” — An article selected by invitation sent by the Editorial Board to clinicals cardiologist of unequivocal expertise in a particular cardiovascular field in which echocardiography and/or cardiovascular imaging plays an important role. The purpose is to present the point of view of those requesting and making use of imaging information in approaching a specific theme. The article must be brief, practical and current, and must make the most of the author’s expertise in the area, based on the most relevant scientific evidence available. They must present a maximum of 1,000 words, 15 references, a maximum of 4 tables or images and 6 videos at the most. The number of authors must be preferably 1 or 2 at most. Good quality image with the author’s photo must be submitted, as it will be published with the article.

1.5 “My approach to” — Prepared by echocardiographers (adult and congenital conditions) and physicians from other areas of cardiovascular imaging (Tomography, Resonance Imaging, Vascular Imaging, Nuclear Medicine) invited by the editorial board. The article must use a brief, practical and current approach to echocardiography and/or cardiovascular imaging methods in assessing a specific cardiovascular theme, making the most of the author’s expertise, based on the most relevant scientific evidence available. They must include a maximum of 1,000 words, 15 references, a maximum of 4 tables or images and up to 6 videos. The number of authors must be preferably 1 or 2 at most. Good quality image with the author’s photo must be submitted, as it will be published with the article.

1.6 Point of View – This the summary of a relevant article in a specific field of knowledge. Specialists are invited or present themselves spontaneously to give their opinion on a specific scientific theme. Such opinion must be properly corroborated by the literature or their personal experience, describing its positives and negatives, its clinical applicability and relevance. They must present a maximum of 1,500 words, ten references and a maximum of two tables or images. The number of authors must not exceed eight.

1.7 Case Report – Description of cases involving patients or unique situations, rare or never described diseases, as well as innovative forms of diagnosis or treatment. The article must include a Brief Introduction that situates the reader on the importance of the case, and present the Objectives of the case(s) concerned, Case Report and Discussion, where the relevant aspects are addressed and compared with those available in the literature. The number of words must be less than 1,500, including references, with a maximum of 10 references, two tables and no more than four illustrations. Publication of AVI or MPEG videos are encouraged, with a maximum of four videos per article. The maximum number of authors allowed is six. An abstract is not required.

1.8 Brief Communication – Minor original experiences, not exceeding 1,500 words and ten references. The number of authors must not exceed eight.

1.9 Letter to the Editor – It presents comments, discussions or reviews of articles published in the Journal itself, in the past two months. It must have a maximum of 1,000 words, including up to five references, and may or may not have a title, without illustrations or tables. A response from the authors of the article concerned will be requested for publication with the letter. The number of authors must not exceed three.

1.10 Images – Unusual images (static images and/or videos) or those related to technological innovations in cardiovascular medicine, including echocardiography, vascular ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging or nuclear medicine, which may be associated with angiography. Publication of new imaging techniques is allowed. Short publication, limited to 100 words, not allowing discussion by the authors, or references. The maximum number of authors is five and no more than two images and videos are allowed.

1.11 Special Article – Articles not classifiable in the categories previously described, but considered by the Editorial Board to be relevant imaging articles. It follows some special criteria, with no limit on length or restrictions on the number of references.

Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia Imagem Cardiovascular adopt the Vancouver Standards — Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (revised in October 2005) — organized by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors: “Vancouver Groups.”

2.1 Sections of the Manuscript

Page one:

IDENTIFICATION — Concise descriptive title in Portuguese and in English, and a short title with a maximum of 50 characters. The full name of the authors’ institutions and their subdivisions must be informed, if applicable, with full addresses. Following is the information about the corresponding author, including telephone phone, fax number and e-mail, date of submission, and the research funding organization, if any. If the article was presented in a conference, the conference name, place and date of presentation must be informed.
Three to five descriptors (keywords) must be included both in Portuguese and in English. Descriptors must be consulted at:, which contains terms in Portuguese, Spanish and English or, for English-only terms.

Page Two:

ABSTRACT It must be organized into five sections: Background, Objectives, Methods, Results or Conclusions. It must contain easily understood information, not requiring the readers to read the full article. The past tense must be used for results and the present tense for general statements. Wherever possible, use numbers instead of percentages. Do not use the “authors present,” “the findings are presented” or “the treatment is discussed” and the like. The abstract of an original article, with a maximum of 250 words, must be organized into a specific structured (see: Rev Paul Med 1988;106:1834). The abstract of a review article must contain a maximum of 250 words and present the main concepts found in the full article. The abstract of a case report, with a maximum of 100 words, must showcase the originality of the case and its most important clinical, laboratory, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects.

FULL ARTICLE - Must be divided into: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion. References must be cited as superscript numerals in the sequence in which they appear in the article. If more than two references are cited in a sequence, only the first and the last references must be typed, separated by a dash, for example: 7–11. For alternate citations, all references must be typed, separated by commas. Example: 7, 11, 16. The entire article must be single spaced.

Optional. Acknowledgements must be concise and presented at the end of the article. It must include the names of those who supported the intellectual or technical stage of the study, as well as the funding agencies that contributed to the research, which resulted in the published article.

When consulted, references must be cited in superscript Arabic numerals in the sequence in which they appear in the article. Cite all authors of the study if there are six or fewer authors, or only the first six followed, by et al., if there are more than six authors. The abbreviated journal title must follow the Index Medicus/Medline rules. Following are examples of the main types of references. For further sample references, authors are advised to refer to:

4.1 Printed Material


Journal Article:
Pahl E, Seghal R, Chrystolf D, Neches W H, Webb CL, Duffiy CE et al. Feasibility of exercise stress echocardiography for the folIow up of children with coronary involvement secondary to Kawasaki. Circulation. 1995; 91:1228.

Institution as an author:
The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand. Clinical exercise stress testing. Safety and performance guidelines. Med J Aust. 1996; 116:412.

No author assigned:
Cancer in South Africa. [editorial]. S Afr Med J. 1994; 84:15.

Book chapter:
Mylek WY. Endothelium and its properties. In: Clark BL Jr, editor New frontiers in surgery. New York: Mc Graw HiIl; 1998. p. 5564.

Sutton MG St J, Oldershaw PJ, Ketler MN, editors. Textbook of echocardiography and Doppler in adults and children. Cambridge (MA): Blackwell Science, 1996.

Takimura CK. Correlação das variáveis geométricas de lesões coronárias com achados ultrasonográficos. [Tese]. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina, 2003.

Silva HH. Preparo Intestinal transoperatório. In: 45”Congresso Brasileiro de Atualização em Coloproctologia; 1995; São Paulo. Anais. São Paulo: Sociedade Brasileira de Coloproctologia; 1995. p.279. 77 Minna JD. Recents advances for potential clinical importance in the biology of lung cancer. In: Annual Meeting of the American Medical Association for Cancer Research: 1984 Sept 610. Proceedings Toronto: AMA; 1984; 25:2934.

4.2 Online Sources

Journal Article:
Morse SS Factors in the emergence of infections diseases. Emerg infect Dis [article on the Internet]. 1995 JanMar [cited 1996 Jun 5]; 1(1): [24 screens]. Available from URL:

Tichenor WS. Sinusitis: treatment plan that works for asthma and allergies too [monograph on the Internet]. New York: Health On The Net Foundation; 1996. [cited 1999 May 27]. Available from: URL:

Book Chapter:
Tichenor WS. Persistent sinusitis after surgery. In: Tichenor WS. S nusitis: treatment plan that works for asthma and allergies too [monograph on the Internet]]. New York: Health On The Net Foundation; 1996. [cited 1999 May 27]. Available from: URL:

LLourenço LG. Relação entre a contagem de microdensidade vasal tumoral e o prognóstico do adenocarcinoma gástrico operado.[tese on line].São Paulo: Universidade Federal de São Paulo; 1999. [citado 1999 Jun 10]. Disponível em: URL: gastro/laercio

Barata RB. Epidemiologia no século XXI: perspectivas para o Brasil. In: 4º Congresso Brasileiro de Epidemiologia [on line]; 1998 Ago 15; Rio de Janeiro. Anais eletrônicos. Rio de Janeiro: ABRASCO; 1998. [citado 1999 Jan 17]. Disponível em: URL: Home Page/ Web Site CancerPainorg [homepage on the Internet]. New York: Association of Cancer Online Resources, 01 [update 2002 May 16; cited 2002 Jul 9] Available from:

Summaries may only be cited within two years of their submission.

4.3 Tables
These must be included, only when necessary, for the purposes of ensuring an understanding of the study, not containing redundant information that is included in the body of the article, and numbered in the sequence in which they appear in the article. Use the same font as the one used in the article. Enter the footers in the following order: *, t, *, §, 11, #, **. Do not use vertical lines between the columns. Use horizontal lines only at the top and bottom of the header and at the bottom of the table. Abbreviations used in the table must be defined in the footer of the table itself. They must be submitted in JPEG extension or on separate pages in Word, and must be double spaced. They must be listed in Arabic numerals and contain a short title.

4.4 Figures
For submission, only high-resolution JPEG images with minimum resolution of 300 DPI are accepted for further evaluation by the reviewers. Figure captions must be clear, not requiring the readers to read anything else in order to understand it. Abbreviations used in the images must be made explicit in the captions.

4.5 Videos
For submission of videos to be published in the articles, the footage must meet the following specifications: • Video file format: All video files except for .MOV; • Video size: The file must be of 20 MB at the most. Authors are advised to submit the file through broadband Internet connection.


5.1 Peer Review
All studies submitted to the Journal will be peer reviewed and evaluated by up to three reviewers. Acceptance will be based on originality, significance and scientific contribution. Reviewers will make general comments about the work and will inform if it should be published, rectified according to recommendations or rejected. In possession of this information, the Editor will make a final decision. In case of inconsistent opinions of reviewers, a new opinion may be requested for better judgment. Whenever any changes are suggested, they will be submitted to the main author, then referred for the reviewers, who will make sure they have been actually made. Under exceptional circumstances, when the subject addressed in the manuscript so requires, the Editor may request the assessment by a professional that is not featured in the list of Associate Editors or in the Editorial Board. Decision about accepting the article for publication will be made, whenever possible, within 90 days as of the date of receipt.

5.2 Ethics
A form filled out and signed by the main author informing whether the study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of their institution. Please visit:

• For experimental research involving animals, the standards set out in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Institute for Laboratory Animal Research, National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C., 1996) and Ethical Principles for Animal Research of Colégio Brasileiro de Experimentação Animal (COBEA) must be followed.

• For experimental work involving humans, the authors must inform whether the procedures followed the ethical standards of the institutional and national committee responsible for human experimentation and the 1975 Helsinki Declaration revised in 2008. Research involving humans must be in accordance with the ethical standards and with the free and informed consent of participants according to Resolution 466/2012 of Brazil’s National Health Council of the Ministry of Health, which regulates the Code of Ethics for Human Research and, for authors outside Brazil, research must comply with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Please check the specific trial-related documents and definitions for further information.

5.3 Authorship Criteria
- We suggest to adopt the authorship criteria recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. This ensures that only those who have contributed directly to the intellectual content of the work be listed as authors on the Authors’ Contributions form available on the Journal’s website, which must be submitted to the editorial office via Authors must meet all criteria listed below in order to take public responsibility for the contents of the study:

  1. 1. conceiving and planning the activities that led to the study or interpreting the results produced, or both;
  2. 2. writing the study or revising successive versions and participating in the review process;
  3. 3. approving the final version.

Although serving in leading managerial positions, contributing to patients and gathering and grouping data are important for the research study, they are not criteria for authorship. Other people who have made substantial and direct contributions to the study but cannot be considered authors can be cited in the Acknowledgments section.

5.4 Language
The articles must be written in Portuguese (current spelling) or in English.

5.5 Secondary Publication
Based on the standards adopted by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (Revised in October 2005), secondary publication due to many other reasons, in the same or in another language, especially in other countries, is justifiable and may be beneficial as long as the conditions described in the editorial policy are met.

- Articles must be submitted through the journal’s Submission System at Upon submission, the author must fill out the “Letter of Submission,” suggesting the section in which the article should be included, with the author’s statement that all co-authors agree with the contents expressed in the study, informing whether there is any conflict of interest* and that there is no ethical issues related. The Letter of Submission must inform the number of words contained in the article (excluding Tables and Figures) and the number of Tables and Figures.

* Conflicts of Interest
When there is any relationship between the authors and any public or private entity that may derive a conflict of interest, these circumstances must be informed to the Editor through the form “Statement of Potential Conflict of Interest,” which will ensure confidentiality.

*Submission formats: Word (preferable), Word Perfect. Figures must come separately and be submitted as JPEG files.


  1. 1. Authors will be informed of the need to revise articles for acceptance and publication in the Journal. The opinions will be available in the Author’s Section, in the Article Submission System. The second version must be resubmitted via the system or via
  2. 2. Once the manuscript has been revised by the authors, it should be sent back to the journal in no later than 15 days. If the revised article is received after this deadline, the article will be considered as new and will go through the submission process again.
  3. 3. In their response to the reviewers’ comments, authors are required to inform the page, paragraph, and line number in which each change was made.

8. ARTICLES ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION - Once accepted for publication, a PDF proof of the article will be sent to the corresponding author for evaluation and final approval.

9. PLAGIARISM: The journal adopts a plagiarism detection system, but authors are solely responsible for all contents published in the articles. If any form of plagiarism is detected, the authors who have submitted the article will be notified by the journal, which will debate their conduct, in which case they are entitled to provide any justifications on the matter. If any plagiarized articles are published in the journal, the article published will not be removed from the issue. Instead, the journal will publish an informative addendum describing the case of plagiarism by explicitly labeling the plagiarized section, on the cover page, with a full-length stripe on top of the publication. The journal is not responsible for notifying the authors of the original content.


The jornal allows the author(s) to withhold unrestricted copyrights. Total or partial reproduction of articles is allowed, provided the source is mentioned. All contents of the journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons BY Type License.

Any circumstances not covered in these rules shall be resolved by the Directors of Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia Imagem Cardiovascular.

Editor: Dr. Silvio Henrique Barberato
Rua Barata Ribeiro, 380 ­cj 54 ­Bela Vista 01308­000 – São Paulo ­Brasil
Phone numbers: + 55 (11) 3120­3363 ­ Fax number: +55 (11) 3259­2988 -

Editorial Office:
Atha Editora +55 (11) 5087 9502 / +55 (11) 5579 5308